Admission and Enrolment
Calendar of admission interview LM Physics
The evaluation of the applicant’s qualifications and Physics background will be done by an Evaluation Committee appointed by the CCS, via an Admission interview on the basic knowledge requested and the applicant’s scientific background required for acceptance, in order to determine the acceptance of the applicants for registration.
Dates 2025
31 January 2025: 9.30-10.30 a.m.
21 February 2025: 9.30-10.30 a.m.
14 March 2025: 9.30-10.30 a.m.
2 April 2025: 9.30-10.30 a.m.
17 April 2025: 9.30-10.30 a.m.
5 May 2025: 9.30-10.30 a.m.
11 July 2025: 9.30-10.30 a.m.
Composition of the Evaluation Commission
AA 2025-26
(Consiglio di Dipartimento del 23 gennaio 2025 )
Prof. Fabio MANTOVANI (Presidente della Commissione)
Prof. Cristiano GUIDORZI (Membro effettivo)
Dott.ssa Laura BANDIERA (Membro effettivo)
Prof. Piero ROSATI (Membro Supplente)
Prof. Alessandro DRAGO (Membro Supplente)
For those admitted to the Double Degree with the University of Paris-Saclay, please note that this admission satisfies the curricular and personal preparation requirements, so verification is not necessary.
The requirements are met by candidates who possess a Bachelor’s degree in Physics, or italian Laurea triennale belonging to the L-30 class or to the 25 class, or have a certified foreign Bachelor’s degree.
Good spoken and written english skills are also required (for further details please check the web page of the Master’sdegree). The evaluation of the applicant’s qualifications and of the Physics background will be done by an Evaluation Committee, that will also perform an Admission interview useful to verify the applicant’s scientific background and the english language skills required for acceptance.
Scientific background requires for acceptance
Scientific background assumed in the course includes:
- Good practical knowledge of Calculus, Geometry and Algebra.
- Basic notions of Chemistry.
- Good understanding of basical Classical Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism and Optics.
- Familiarity of experimentation and its techniques; basic electronics.
- Knowledge of the main theories in Classical and Modern Physics, Special Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and relative mathematical methods, and elements of Statistical Mechanics.
- Sufficient mastership of the English language to understand Physics textbooks in English and lectures in English.
- Computing skills : ability to use existing scientific programs.
- Ability to understand and solve (or at least know how can be solved) Physics problems.
The evaluation of the applicant’s qualifications and Physics background will be done by an Evaluation Committee appointed by the CCS, via an Admission interview on the basic knowledge requested and the applicant’s scientific background required for acceptance, in order to determine:
- Acceptance of the applicants for registration.
- Structure of courses avoiding repetition of already known subjects and considering the applicant’s own interests.
For information on
- registration
find everything on the Unife website in the 'Enrolment' section
Date iscrizione Extra Ue a.a. 2025-26: 7 gennaio 2025-30 aprile 2025