Final Exam
Graduation committee
SESSIONE DI LAUREA in Fisica di giovedì 12 dicembre ad iniziare dalle ore 8.30 presso l'aula C412 del Dipartimento di Fisica e Scienze della Terra.
1. F. Mantovani - Presidente
2. P. Cardarelli - Membro effettivo
3. G. Ciullo - Membro effettivo
4. M. Moretti - Membro effettivo
5. F. Spizzo - Membro effettivo
6. G. Zavattini - Membro effettivo
7. A. Taibi - Membro effettivo – Segretario
Membri supplenti: P. Lenisa (Presidente Supplente), L. Bandiera (membro supplente), P. Rosati (Segretario
1 candidato per la LM.
8.30-9.15: Macchioni Nicola – Implementing Deep Neural Networks for in-situ crop yield prediction – Relatore: Mantovani Fabio - Controrelatore: Paolo Cardarelli
La durata della presentazione è di 20 minuti. I candidati sono invitati a salvare la presentazione in .pptx o .pdf su una chiavetta USB in modo da poterla caricare sul PC a disposizione in aula.
A meno di un esplicito diniego da parte del candidato, le presentazioni saranno successivamente pubblicate online sul sito del corso di Laurea Magistrale.
I correlatori ed i controrelatori sono invitati in commissione in occasione della discussione della tesi del rispettivo candidato.
Terminata la proclamazione si chiede gentilmente ai neo-laureati, parenti ed amici di non rumoreggiare in corridoio per non disturbare la discussione del candidato successivo.
The “laurea” (graduation) exam
- As a preparation to the final exam the student will start, choosing the most appropriate methods and techniques, his (her) own independent project of scientific research and of critical assessment of an advanced topic, so upgrading his/her knowledge of that field as well as the skills acquired during the LM course.
- The final exam of the LM (“laurea”, i.e. graduation exam) course consists in a public presentation and discussion of a thesis aimed at proving the candidate’s acquired capabilities of understanding problems and issues in research and of developing original solutions; the research may be also done within a training stage at other institutions or firms and working on a topic suggested by one or more teachers.
- The selection of the thesis topic and the writing of the thesis will be performed in collaboration with and under the supervision of an advisor chosen by the student: the name of the advisor and the title of the thesis (that has to briefly summarize the topic the thesis deals with) have to be approved, at least one month before the thesis discussion, by the Consiglio del Corso di Studi (CCS). Within the same deadline the Consiglio di Corso di Laurea, on request by the supervisor, has to nominate a referee.
- The thesis shall be the record of an experimental or theoretical scientific research activity, carried on independently by the student and featuring an original or innovative approach to the topic, compatible with the educational objective of the Master Degree in Physics.
- The thesis must be written and presented in English (abstract in Italian is needed).
- As a preparation to the final exam the student will start, choosing the most appropriate methods and techniques, his (her) own independent project of scientific research and of critical assessment of an advanced topic, so upgrading his/her knowledge of that field as well as the skills acquired during the LM course.
- The final exam of the LM (“laurea”, i.e. graduation exam) course consists in a public presentation and discussion of a thesis aimed at proving the candidate’s acquired capabilities of understanding problems and issues in research and of developing original solutions; the research may be also done within a training stage at other institutions or firms and working on a topic suggested by one or more teachers.
- The selection of the thesis topic and the writing of the thesis will be performed in collaboration with and under the supervision of an advisor (relatore)chosen by the student: the name of the advisor and the title of the thesis (that has to briefly summarize the topic the thesis deals with) have to be approved, at least one month before the thesis discussion, by the Consiglio del Corso di Studi (CCS). Within the same deadline the Consiglio di Corso di Laurea, on request by the supervisor, has to nominate a referee* (correlatore).
*Il correlatore ha la funzione di affiancare il Relatore durante lo svolgimento della tesi e viene indicato dal Relatore. E’ un esperto, docente universitario e non, italiano o straniero, di provata competenza nell’argomento della tesi prescelta. Il suo nome può comparire sul frontespizio dell’elaborato finale.
- The thesis shall be the record of an experimental or theoretical scientific research activity, carried on independently by the student and featuring an original or innovative approach to the topic, compatible with the educational objective of the Master Degree in Physics.
- the thesis must be written and presented in English (abstract in Italian is needed).
How to apply
Graduation dates and deadlines
Graduation dates and deadlines
Tutte le scadenze relative alla laurea sono pubblicate alla voce "Bacheca appelli di laurea" in
Attenzione: per le scadenze per caricamento tesi:
Lauree a.a. 2023-2024
-11 luglio 2024
09 ottobre 2025
11 dicembre 2025
19 marzo 2026
Past dissertations
Thesis defense session 23 March 2023
Candidate: Andrea Di Donna
Supervisor: Alessandro Drago
Co-supervisor: Francesco Pederiva
Candidate: Martina Natali
Supervisor: Fabio Mantovani
Candidate: Federico Matias Melendi
Supervisor: Gianluigi Cibinetto
Co-supervisor: Ilaria Balossino
Thesis defense session 13 July 2023
Candidate: Anna Piccoli
Supervisor: Paolo Lenisa
Co-supervisor: Rahul Shankar
- Title: SiPMs characterization in a wide temperature range: development of the setup and first measurements
Candidate: Anna Balboni
Supervisors: Marco Guarise // Luca Tomassetti
Thesis defense session 14 September 2023
Candidate: Manuele Maistrello
Supervisor: Cristiano Guidorzi
Co-supervisor: Lorenzo Amati
- Title: A bayesian analysis on the equation of state of neutron stars within relativistic mean field models
Candidate: Luca Passarella
Supervisor: Giuseppe Pagliara
Co-supervisor: Alessandro Drago // Jérôme Margueron
Candidate: Michele Franceschi
Supervisor: Fabio Mantovani
Co-supervisor: Virginia Strati
Candidate: Emanuela Tavaglione
Supervisor: Vincenzo Guidi
Co-supervisor: Barbara Fabbri // Elena Spagnoli
Candidate: Giada Costantini
Supervisor: Fabio Mantovani
Co-supervisor: Matteo Albéri
Thesis defense session 26 October 2023
- Title: Using convolutional neural networks to extract cosmological parameters from CMB polarization maps
Candidate: Andrea Morelli
Supervisor: Luca Pagano
Thesis defense session 14 December 2023
Candidato: Stefano Disca
Supervisor: Vincenco Coscia
Counter-advisor: Giuseppe Pagliara
Candidato: Sandro Gherardi
Supervisor: Cesare Malagù
Co-supervisor: Michele Astolfi, Giulia Zonta
Counter-advisor: Donato Vincenzi
Candidato: Giovanni Scribano
Supervisor: Giovanni Di Domenico
Co-supervisor: Luigi Manco
Counter-advisor: Enrico Calore.
Thesis defense session March 2024
Candidate: Thomas Lovo
Supervisors: Massimiliano Lattanzi // Luca Pagano
Co-supervisor: Giulia Gubitosi
Candidate: Giorgia Di Rosa
Supervisor: Piero Rosati
Co-supervisor: Pietro Bergamini
Candidate: Lorenzo Formaggio
Supervisor: Alessandro Drago
Co-supervisor: Claudia Ratti
Counter-advisor: Massimiliano Lattanzi
Candidate: Riccardo Maule
Supervisor: Isabella Masina
Co-supervisor: Guillem Domènech
Counter-advisor: Denis Comelli
- Title: Study of edge-preserving denoising filters for Digital Subtraction Angiography in a clinical setting
Candidate: Jacopo Altieri
Supervisors: Angelo Taibi // Paolo Cardarelli
Counter-advisor: Sebastiano Fabio Schifano
Candidate: Martina Sartori
Supervisor: Cristiano Guidorzi
Candidate: Vittoria Mazzini
Supervisor: Paolo Cardarelli
Co-supervisor: Massimiliano Fiorini
Counter-advisor: Giovanni Di Domenico
Candidate: Gabriele Galli
Supervisor: Fabio Mantovani
Co-supervisor: Matteo Albéri
Counter-advisor: Angelo Taibi
Candidate: Matteo Bianchini
Supervisor: Gianfranco Paternò
Co-supervisor: Angelo Taibi
Counter-advisor: Luca Tomassetti
Thesis defense session 10 October 2024
Candidate: Alina Mariana Soflau
Supervisor: Guido Zavattini
Co-supervisor: Michal Bejger
Counter-advisor: Giovanni Di Domenico
Candidate: Leonardo Sollazzo
Supervisor: Donato Vincenzi
Co-supervisor: Giulio Mangherini
Counter-advisor: Cesare Malagù
- Title: Determination of the Reionization optical depth through a combined analysis of Planck and WMAP data
Candidate: Valentina Genesini
Supervisor: Luca Pagano
Co-supervisor: Giacomo Galloni
Counter-advisor: Mattia Bulla
Candidate: Emma Di Fiore
Supervisor: Gianluigi Cibinetto
Co-supervisors: Federico Matias Melendi, Marco Scodeggio
Counter-advisor: Mirco Andreotti
Thesis defense session 12 December 2024
Candidate: Nicola Macchioni
Supervisor: Fabio Mantovani
Counter-advisor: Paolo Cardarelli