Job Prospects

Specialist in business economy

Function in a work context

He conduct research on concepts, theories and methods to analyze the strategy, structure and production cycle of companies or organizations to improve their performance and identify the most appropriate responses to the stresses coming from the economic system.

Skills associated with the function

  • ability to study strategies to improve company performance
  • ability to design industrial accounting systems
  • ability to make economic and financial projects for companies
  • ability to provide economic consultancy
  • ability to develop organizational proposals for the marketing area of ​​companies
  • ability to formulate proposals to improve process efficiency

Job opportunities

  • Corporate production strategy analyst,
  • Business management consultant,
  • Business economist,
  • Business creation expert,
  • Technology transfer expert, with particular reference to small and medium-sized enterprises.

Market analyst

Function in a work context:

  • He conduct research on market conditions at different territorial levels to identify the possibilities of commercial penetration of products or services; 
  • He identify the competition situations, prices and sales and distribution methods

Skills associated with the function:

  •  ability to conduct market analysis
  •  ability to identify commercial and development strategies for companies
  •  ability to integrate the information collected with that coming from databases and present the results of the investigation to the client
  •  ability to identify sales and distribution methods for a product/service
  •  ability to study product prices and positioning
  •  ability to research and process data or information on market conditions

Job opportunities:

  • Market analysis expert in private companies
  • Market analysis expert for business consultancy agencies

Specialists in international companies and markets

Function in a work context:

Expert in the analysis of production and territorial sectors and international economic dynamics. He deals with strategic planning, international marketing and logistics. He deals with the analysis of the financial impacts in the internationalization processes of companies.

Skills associated with the function:

  • Ability to study strategies to improve the performance of the company;
  • Ability to do financial planning and management control;
  • Ability to develop organizational proposals for the marketing area of ​​companies;
  • Ability to formulate proposals to improve the efficiency of processes;
  • Ability to analyze the dynamics of international markets;
  • Ability to develop business management and planning methods in international contexts.

Job opportunities:

  • National and international research bodies and consultancy companies.
  • Professional roles required by companies and institutions operating in international contexts.