Entry requirements

Degrees granting a direct admission to the Master course

Bachelor degree or equivalent, with at least 180 ECTS in an Economics or Management related field. Precisely: four years degree (M.A. old university system) in Economics, Accounting, Business Management and other similar degrees, bachelor degree (ex 509) in the field area 17 (economics science and business management science), 28 (economics), and in the field area (ex 270) L-18 (economics and business management science), L-33 (economics science), or with an equivalent foreign title.

Requirements for students with different university background

Incoming students must have gained a congruous number of educational credits in an identified cluster of scientific field areas, such as economics, business management, math, and statistics.

Such competencies must be officially certified by the university institution of origin and they must reach a minimum threshold of 50
educational credits*, grouped, at least, as follows:

  • 30 in the business management field (SSD: SECSP/07 Accounting; SECS-P/08 Business Management; SECS-P/09 Corporate Finance; SECS-P/10 Organization Science; SECS-P/11 Financial Intermediaries).
  • 10 in the economic field (SSD: M-GRR/02 Eco-political geography; SECS-P/01 Political Economy; SECS- P/02 Political Economy; SECS-P/03 Financial Science; SECSP/04 History of Economic thinking; SECS-P/05 Econometrics; SECS-P/06 Applied Economics; SECS-P/12 History of Economics).
  • 5 in the math and statistics field (MAT/01 Math Logic; MAT/02 Algebra; MAT/03 Geometry; MAT/05 Math Analysis; INF/01 Information Science; MAT/06 Probabilities and statistics math; SECS-S/01 Statistics; SECS-S/03 – Economic statistics; SECS-S/04 Demography; SECS-S/05 Statistica sociale; SECS-S/06 Mathematical models for economics, actuarial science and financial science)
  • 5 in the law field (IUS/01 Private law,IUS/02; Comparative private law, IUS/03 Agricultural law, IUS/04 Commercial law; IUS/05 Economic law, IUS/06 Navigation law, IUS/07 Labor law, IUS/08 Constitutional law, IUS/09 Public law institutions, IUS/10 Administrative law, IUS/12 Tax law, IUS /13 International law, IUS/14 European Union law, IUS/15 Civil procedural law, IUS/16 Criminal procedural law, IUS/17 Criminal law, IUS/20 Legal philosophy, IUS/21 Comparative public law)

In some cases, the University reserves itself the right to decide whether to interview the student in order to assess the presence of the preliminary knowledge and skills needed.

Assessment of personal competences and skills

Admission to the Programme is subject to the possession of the described curricular requirements and to the passing of a test to assess the students' personal competences and skills, which will be done through the assessment of the candidate's curriculum, the evaluation of the previous degree,  and any other useful documents that the candidate may submit to the specific Board .

This assessment is not required when the graduation grade is equal or superior to 85/110  corresponding  for international students at C- (1.7 GPA- grade point average)

The Board might reserve itself the right to opt for a student interview. The interview is aimed at verifying student’s former knowledge and skills in the fields of business analytical competencies  and economics methods.

English skills

If English is not the native language, master candidates are required to demonstrate their English proficiency. The minimum accepted level of English proficiency is B2.
There are two available options to certify the English level:

  1. By providing official certificates, as released by recognized institutions;
  2. By interview with the Teaching Commission (only in absence of other appropriate forms of certification);

Students who hold an international language certificate, previously enclosed in the early application, are exempted from presenting other forms of English proficiency certifications.
Similarly, students who previously attended bachelor/master degree courses in English, students whose mother tongue is English, and students who already cleared 30 CFU in English are likewise exempted to provide the aforementioned certifications.