Final Exam


To be admitted to the final exam (corresponding to 14 ECTS), the student must have passed all the curricular exams and all the credits required for the master's degree except those intended for the final exam.

The compulsory final exam includes a written dissertation (possibly also in English) prepared in an original way by the student under the guidance of a supervisor.

The final exam is discussed in a public session: the score awarded will take into account the different typology of the contribution and the skills shown by the candidate during the public presentation.

The exam score will be calculated on 110 tenths with the possible assignment of honors.

See section THESIS SCORE

Thesis Score

The score assigned to the final exam will take into account the different type of contribution and the skills shown by the candidate during the public presentation.

The exam score will be calculated on 110 tenths with the possible assignment of honors (the starting average for the attribution of the score, used in the graduation session is the weighted one).

The final exam will be awarded a score from 0 to 8, according to the following criteria:

  • up to 3 points for a descriptive final exam;
  • up to 8 points for the final exam with originality.

The following additional points can be attributed to the master's degree thesis (maximum 2):

  • 1 point for internship and / or project work aimed at the degree thesis. It is the teacher who has followed the experience who has to declare the relevance of the experience for the thesis
  • 1 point for participation in an Erasmus, Erasmus Plus, Atlante, Erasmus Placement project or comparable mobility programs as well as double-degree courses
  • 1 point for an international co-supervisor
  • 1 point for those who have obtained a three-year or V.O. (Vecchio Ordinamento) degree, with a score from 100 to 104
  • 2 points for those who have graduated, three years or V.O. (Vecchio Ordinamento), with a score from 105 to 110

In any case, the additional points cannot exceed two and the maximum score obtainable for a master's thesis is 10 points (8 points plus 2 additional points)

How is the weighted average calculated?

  • Multiply each individual exam grade by the number of corresponding credits
  • Add up all the results obtained from the multiplications
  • Divide the amount obtained by the total number of credits, excluding credits for the final exam
  • Divide the result by 3 and multiply it by 11

Check on ->  (BOOKLET / PLAN-libretto piano) the weighted average already calculated automatically by the program, which will be the basis from which you will start for the attribution of the final score.

Compulsory on-line course

Students who intend to graduate must take two courses in  Risorse e servizi delle biblioteche Unife (Resources and Services of the Unife libraries) and Citazioni Bibliografiche (Bibliographic Citations) (both compulsory) organized by the University Library System (SBA - Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo).

Verification of the attendance of the aforementioned courses will be carried out by the supervisor, who will ask the student, upon assigning the thesis, to deliver a copy of the digital certificate of participation in the aforementioned SBA courses at the same time.


Registration for courses is allowed to Unife institutional users, in possession of an email address with the domain @ or @ or @

The course on Risorse e servizi delle biblioteche Unife (Resources and services of Unife libraries) is an introductory course to the different types of information resources and services made available by Unife libraries. Indications and examples are provided to search and identify documents in the online catalogs used by the University Library System.

The (in) formative course on Citazioni Bibliografiche (bibliographic citation) offers, on the other hand, at a more advanced level, indications and examples on the constituent elements of the bibliographic citation and on the two main citation systems in use. After the first three parts, of a general nature, applicable to all disciplinary sectors, the course concludes with a fourth part dedicated to citation techniques in the field of legal sciences.

Instructions for access to online courses: 

The release of information to the service is required only at the first access (it is advisable to leave the consent duration setting, selected by default: "Ask me again if the information to be provided to this service changes"; click the "Accept" button )

  1. Click "ONLINE (in) training courses on the use of services and resources of UniFe libraries"
  2. To access the online course Resources and services of Unife libraries, choose the category "Basic courses"; to access the (in) formative course on bibliographic citation, choose the category "Advanced courses"
  3. Once you have chosen the course, use the "Click to access this course" button

At the first access to the course it is necessary to click on the ISCRIVIMI (SIGN ME) button (spontaneous registration).

To exit the course, use the "Exit" command in the window that opens corresponding to your name, at the top right of the screen.

How to apply for the Graduation session

Graduation dates and deadlines

Rules of conduct

On the occasion of the celebrations that follow the graduation sessions, new graduates, their friends and family are invited to abide by specific behavioral rules that guarantee the dignity and decorum of the university and such as to avoid damage to people and property. .
In particular, they are advised to avoid:

  • the launch of products that may damage or deface walls, roads and other movable and immovable property of the University and surrounding areas;
  • the soiling of internal and external spaces and the trampling of flower beds;
  • the abandonment of bottles and other glass objects on the streets and sidewalks that may pose a danger to passers-by;
  • the posting of posters of various types on walls and trees;
  • the noises and songs that may cause annoyance and disturbance to the University staff and to the inhabitants of the area;
  • all other behaviors not in keeping with the normal institutional activity of the University.

Where such celebrations lead to criminal offenses, integrating cases of damage or disfigurement (articles 345, 635, 635-bis, 664, 639, 733 of the penal code), theft (article 624 of the penal code), harassment ( articles 659, 660 of the criminal code), the University will report the responsible persons to the judicial authorities for the imposition of the foreseen sanctions.
In the event of damage, the University will take the appropriate actions provided for by the law, in particular of a compensatory nature, against those responsible.

Approved by the Academic Senate on April 17, 2007

Attendance certificate at the graduation session