
A reference point

Each study course  has a reference Teaching Manager who can help you in all aspects concerning your study path.

The teaching manager is the reference point for everything related to the organization of the teaching of your degree program

In fact, he/she provides information on teaching and on the context services offered through the Listening Service aimed at students.

How the teaching manager can help you

You can contact the teaching manager for:

  • receive  information if interested in accessing the study course, or general information about the University;
  • know how the course of study is organized;
  • know how to update your study plan with the activities of your choice;
  • receive information on specific aspects or phases of your career;
  • ask for support in resolving problems of various kinds relating to your career;
  • report critical issues

.However, he/she will not be able to help you with information related to a single course: exam programmes, methods of carrying out lessons and exams remain the exclusive responsibility of the teachers in charge of the course who you can contact directly for the necessary information.

For information on courses and exam methods you can consult the teaching sheets in the Syllabi and Teaching Staff section.

For administrative procedures (for example taxes and concessions, requests for exam recognition, etc.) you can instead contact the Supporto Online Studenti (SOS), which will forward your request to the competent offices.

How to contact us:

The teaching manager is:

dr.ssa Elisa Pampolini

to contact :

Send an email to:
Telephone counter: tel 0532 293225 on the following days and times: Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10.00 to 12.00
Reception in presence:  only previous appointment at Polo degli Adelardi, via degli Adelardi 33 


The telephone desk will be suspended on Monday 16 September because the teaching management will be busy at Notorious Cinemas for the start of lessons. The service will resume regularly on Wednesday 18 September.

For information you can write to