Learning objectives

Competency areas

Thanks to the training activities providing skills that characterize graduates,  you will improve your management skills and your ability to deal with international issues in small and medium-sized enterprises. You will learn to analyse and understand the fundamentals of industrial economics and business administration as they relate to the internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises, integrating performance, organisational and financial skills. 

Graduates of the  Master's Degree Course will gain  skills relating to the methods of analysis and critical interpretation of the dynamics of global markets, economic development and corporate structures, through the acquisition of knowledge coming from the disciplinary areas of business sciences, supported by suitable quantitative and legal tools. They will also acquire the fundamental tools for knowledge of the operating rules of the economic system in which companies operate, of the institutions and markets also at an international level, to address the fundamental issues related to the competitiveness of companies and markets. Moreover students will be able of understanding business problems and the consequent management choices, especially with reference to innovative processes.

All the courses provided are taught as multi-method courses. This choice derives from the intention to encourage the construction of personal approaches and methodologies consistent with the scenarios to which the designed training profile intends to address, characterized by multidisciplinary team work for the resolution of complex problems.

The course is designed to be particularly interactive and to involve students from the first lessons, in the belief that discussion and interaction represent important ways of learning. In particular, this interaction can prove particularly effective in a course that involves the participation of students from different countries, with differentiated backgrounds and unique individual experiences, whose exchange is itself a moment of enrichment and acquisition of skills.

The fact that the course is taught entirely in English is completely in-line with the content offered with a markedly international outlook and the need to be able to operate effectively within an international context.

Career opportunities

The Master's degree provides a career pathway to senior roles with employers and consultants. Students develop leadership skills from practical experience through project management that will be useful when working in specific fields and careers.
You will gain an in-depth understanding of management at an international level, preparing you for diverse areas of employment and developing your talent for sustained success throughout a lifelong career.
Our graduates can benefit from entering careers in management consultancy, general management, marketing and human resource management in small businesses.

You will be able to work for/as: businesses start-ups; (taking over) family businesses; other management functions in SMEs; SMEs management consultant; public research in institutes; venture capital firms and banks; Ph.D. research into entrepreneurship and related topics.. 

See more about specific professional figures

As a graduate of this programme

You will develop competencies and abilities in:

  • understanding and analyzing market internationalisation processes and their effects on new business models;
  • analyze and determine the implications relating to internationalization and sustainability strategies on the company's operational and logistical processes;
  • analyze and apply the marketing mix tools in international contexts;
  • analyze organizational contexts, aligning needs and skills also for the purpose of developing business innovation processes;
  • use quantitative models for the development of a functional systematic approach for solving business problems and analyzing economic scenarios;
  • develop the knowledge acquired to elaborate policy proposals that favor the internationalization processes of companies;
  • reading situations from different disciplinary perspectives, in order to be able to deal with them creatively and thus arrive at innovative solutions;
  • develop original ideas in a research context on pre-established themes, organize work independently, and effectively manage deadlines.