General information


Warning: If you are looking for information on admission visit the page International students admission


The timetable of the courses is published on the section "Orario delle lezioni" in this website. 
Check here your daily agenda or use the App GetUpdate.

Attendance at lessons

Attendance at the lessons is compulsory, do not choose overlapping courses in the timetable.

Start of teaching activity

The teaching activity will begin:

  • Semester I
    from Monday 25th September 2023 for the classes of the II, III, IV, V year courses
    from 9th October 2023 for the classes of the first year course
  • Semester II
    from Monday 26th February 2024

Lessons will be held in presence. If you are an incoming mobility student you have to notify the teachers of the course that you would like to attend by indicating your Unife e-mail address, so that the teachers can insert you in the course mailing list. You can find the contact details of the teachers on the section "Programmi, insegnamenti e docenti".