Learning objectives

Competency areas

The Green Economy and Sustainable tranisitions programme arose from the importance of innovation in general, and environmental innovation in particular, in the transition to a greener economy with low carbon emissions - one of the European Union’s goals - adhering to the fundamentals of circular economy. The lessons taught as part of our programme fit perfectly with this outlook, giving special prominence to issues relating to (eco) innovation. For this reason, the goal is to develop the skills and abilities necessary to analyse environmental policies and innovation processes and to evaluate the economic impact of pursuing the goal of more efficient use of natural resources.

Thanks to the training activities providing skills that characterize graduates, students will acquire in-depth knowledge of environmental economics, innovation economics, quantitative methods and econometrics, as well as sound knowledge in the field of environmental law.

Students will be able to  analyse the effects of economic and social activities on the environment and their sustainability in highly integrated international contexts, also with the help of statistical and econometry. They will have the knowledge and understanding to be able to describe and correlate the fundamental aspects of business management related to sustainability and the market opportunities linked to the circular economy.

The fact that is taught entirely in English is completely in-line with the content offered with a markedly international outlook and the need to be able to operate effectively within an international context and operate in the green sector. 

Career opportunities

Green economy and sustainable development are worldwide strategic issues both for businesses and public or private institutions. You will gain subject expertise, as well as a practical understanding of how to apply that knowledge to make a difference to businesses and policy-makers.
You will be able to work for/as: Sustainability manager, Green economy advisor, carbon management advisor, as well as an academic researcher, Management Consultant for Green firms; Public Research Institutes; Chief Sustainability Officer; General and Operation Manager; Marketing Manager; Transportation Manager; Environmental Economist; Urban and Regional Planner; PhD Research into green related topics. 

See more about specific professional figures.

As a graduate of this programme

You will develop competencies and abilities in:

  • analyze environmental policies and innovation processes and evaluate the economic impact of pursuing the goal of more efficient use of natural resources;
  • use quantitative models for the development of a functional systematic approach for solving business problems and analyzing economic scenarios;
  • develop the knowledge acquired to elaborate policy proposals and set objectives of environmental and economic sustainability;
  • reading situations from different disciplinary perspectives, in order to be able to deal with them creatively and thus arrive at innovative solutions;
  • develop original ideas in a research context on pre-established themes, organize work independently, and effectively manage deadlines.