Exploring the Degree

Take a quick look at the programme


Enrolment is open by assessing candidates' personal competencies.

  • For further details, please visit the section Enrolling 

Duration of the programme

The regular duration of the programme is of 2 years - 120 ECTS

Programme aims

Green Economy and Sustainable Tranistions  is an International 2nd Cycle degree (Master’s degree) for Italian and Foreign Students, entirely taught in English, that produces graduates qualified to take up management or consultancy positions in the green economy sector.
You will improve your interdisciplinary skills to address issues related to the green economy and sustainable development. You will also acquire skills for roles in green business management (green innovation), consultancy (environmental policy evaluation, carbon markets) and governmental/NGO roles (e.g. policy making, policy evaluation, cost-benefit analysis). Challenging environmental policy issues - from both national and international perspectives - are also studied.

Strengths of the program

The Department of Economics and Management is firmly committed to providing innovative international training and education approaches. Candidates can take advantage of various opportunities to learn in an international context. The Master's strengths are:

  • Entirely taught in English;
  • A practical approach combining theory and practice. Candidates will develop leadership skills from practical experience with project management that will be useful when working with the subjects in their future career;
  • Active teaching strategies in small groups to develop the student's abilities and skills (Problem-Based Learning, Project teaching, Workshops, Case studies…);
  • The possibility to combine thesis research and internship or project work for active collaborations with enterprises also during your studying period;
  • Joint study programmes (double degree) with, Southern Denmark University, East Anglia University and Paderborn University;
  • Several integrated projects for studying, training, or dissertation research abroad (Erasmus+, Atlante, etc.);
  • A Department that is on the front line of research on environmental topics and innovation management with the unique intersection between research and teaching topics.

Training path

The programme was born out of the importance of innovation in general, and eco-innovation in particular, in the transition to a greener, low-carbon economy - one of the goals of the European Union - in line with the principles of the circular economy. The lessons learnt in our programme fit in perfectly with this perspective, with particular emphasis on issues related to (eco)innovation. The aim is therefore to develop the skills needed to analyse environmental policies and innovation processes, and to assess the economic impact of pursuing the goal of more efficient use of natural resources.
You will find courses in the advanced core areas of environmental economics, environmental law, econometrics and research methods, with the opportunity to choose from an interesting portfolio of optional courses:
You will gain specialist knowledge as well as a practical understanding of how to apply this knowledge to make a difference for businesses and policy makers.

  • For more details on the two curricula structure, and in general, visit Training Path

Teaching modalities

This course is provided via face-to-face teaching and in-presence learning.

While attendance is not mandatory, it is highly recommended.  

Double Degree

The Master's offers the possibility to enroll in a double degree program.

Selected students will spend the first year in a foreign partner university and the second year at Unife obtaining two degrees issued by both universities.

The available options are:

  • Southern Denmark University (Denmark)
  • East Anglia University (UK)
  • Paderborn University(Germany)

For details, visit the section Double degree.

Studing abroad

The programme strongly encourages exchange experiences, such as Erasmus+, Atlante, Erasmus Traineeship, and so forth. 

Career opportunities

The MSc in Green Economy and Sustainability focuses on issues related to possible solutions to tomorrow's environmental challenges. The programme combines theory and practice, and you will develop leadership skills through practical experience in project management, which will be useful when working with the topics in your future career, including issues related to the transition of the economy such as eco-innovation, green economy and sustainable development. With this combined background, graduates of the programme will be well equipped to work in both national and international organisations when they enter the global labour market.

As a Green Economy graduate, you will be prepared to take on roles such as Sustainability Manager, Green Economy Consultant, Carbon Management Consultant and Academic Researcher.


This course is offered by the Department of Economics and Management 

  • Further details about teaching locations are available here  


Students can gain additional educational support by relying on University tutors who can provide supplementary lessons to the teachings and coaching in the laboratories by offering pear-to-pear support.

Tutors are senior students selected by the departmental committee.

Disabilities or SLD

For students with disabilities or SLD (Specific Learning Disorders), the University provides special services to support their choose of course.

Discover all the possibilities here: SLD and Disabilities