
Activity F ACTIVITIES, STAGE, TRAINING consists of 3 cfu for 75 hours (l'attività F ACTIVITIES, STAGE, TRAINING consta di 3 cfu per 75 ore)

Introduction (caratteristiche)

Disposizioni a partire dal 1 novembre 2024 (provisions since 1 November 2024)

Before graduation, second-year students are required to complete a curricular internship, as outlined in the study plan. The associated educational activities aim to develop additional language skills, telematic abilities, and facilitate entry into the workforce through internships at university facilities and placements at public and/or private institutions external to the University. These initiatives provide an opportunity to ease the transition into the professional world and assist students in making informed career choices by offering direct exposure to professional sectors related to their degree.

The duration of the internship is set at 3 CFU credits of type F, corresponding to a total of 75 hours (1 CFU credit for the internship equals 25 hours). Type F credits, designated for educational activities aimed at acquiring additional language skills, telematic abilities, and workforce orientation through internships at university facilities and placements at public and/or private institutions external to the University, will be allocated as follows.

  • 1 CFU credits related to "third mission" activities are acquired by participating in one of the scientific communication, orientation, scientific, and cultural dissemination activities organized by the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences. Students can choose from the activities listed on this page:
  • 2 CFU credits for workforce orientation and language skills are acquired by participating in one of the following activities:
    • internships at national or international university laboratories or research centers
    • professional training placements at external companies or research centers
    • internships abroad through Erasmus+, Traineeship, or other curricular internship programs abroad

As part of the 4 CFU credits dedicated to workforce orientation and language skills, students may obtain recognition for documented language certifications (advanced English, Spanish, French, German), provided that they are issued by internationally recognized certification bodies and obtained within the last three years. The following equivalencies are applied for French, Spanish, and German languages:

  • Level B1 certification = 26/30
  • Level B2 certification = 28/30
  • Level C1 certification = 30/30
  • Level C2 certification = 30/30 with honors

The final grade for the 3 CFU type F credits is calculated through the weighted average of the grades obtained for the 1 CFU credit dedicated to the third mission activities and the 2 CFU credits related to workforce orientation and language skills.

Remember to fill in the form and send it to the teching manager (ricordati di compilare il modulo e di mandarlo al manager didattico)

Disposizioni fino al 31 ottobre 2024

Questi i passaggi per l'attivazione del tirocinio:

  • Scegliere un Tutor accademico 
    Lo studente è tenuto ad individuare un tutor accademico e chiedergli la disponibilità a ricoprire tale ruolo. Il tutor accademico risponde a queste caratteristiche: è un docente del corso di studi/docente del Consiglio Unico dei corsi di studio in Fisica (ossia può essere un docente sia della triennale o della magistrale in Fisica) competente sugli argomenti che lo studente intende svolgere nel tirocinio; approva la sede di tirocinio, nonché gli obiettivi formativi concordandoli con lo studente. Può essere lo stesso relatore di tesi: questo consente al laureando di ottimizzare i tempi nella raccolta dei dati per la tesi.
  • Scegliere se svolgere un "tirocinio interno" o un "tirocinio esterno"
    Sono previste due diverse tipologie di tirocinio
    • Tirocinio esterno: si tratta di un periodo di formazione professionale presso aziende, enti di ricerca ed Università (nazionali o esteri). L'attività è svolta sotto la supervisione di un referente afferente alla struttura ospitante.
    • Tirocinio interno (internato): si tratta di un internato presso un qualsiasi Dipartimento, Centro o Istituto dell'Università degli Studi di Ferrara. L'attività è svolta sotto la supervisione di un referente afferente alla struttura ospitante: nel caso in cui l'internato avvenga presso il Dipartimento di Fisica e Scienze della Terra dell'Università degli Studi di Ferrara, il referente può anche essere un docente del Consiglio Unico dei corsi di studio in Fisica.
  • L'attività F ACTIVITIES, STAGE, TRAINING consta di 3 cfu per 75 ore

N.B. Dal 1 novembre 2024 per conseguire un terzo dei crediti F (LT e LM) bisognerà partecipare ad attività di terza missione, ovvero di comunicazione scientifica, orientamento e divulgazione scientifica e culturale, attive presso il Dipartimento di Fisica e Scienze della Terra. 

Supervisors (referenti)


The faculty member responsible for internships is Prof. Fabio Mantovani.

How to activate the internship (come attivare il tirocinio)

To obtain the 1 CFU related to the third mission, the student can select a single activity from those listed on this page: After making the selection, the student must contact the activity supervisor, who will coordinate the implementation of the activity by defining the specific objectives and timeline.

To obtain the 2 CFU related to the training internship, the student must select an academic tutor and confirm their availability to serve in this role. The tutor must be a faculty member of the degree program or a member of the Unified Council of Physics Degree Programs (for both undergraduate and graduate programs), with expertise relevant to the topics the student intends to explore during the internship. In collaboration with the student, the tutor will approve the internship site and define the educational objectives. The tutor may also serve as the thesis advisor, facilitating the collection of data necessary for the thesis work.

In agreement with the academic tutor, the student may choose to undertake an "internal internship" or an "external internship."

An external internship consists of a professional training period at companies, research institutions, or universities, either nationally or internationally. This activity is carried out under the supervision of a representative from the host institution.

An internal internship, on the other hand, refers to a placement within a Department, Center, or Institute of the University of Ferrara. This activity is supervised by a representative of the host institution; if the placement takes place within the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences at the University of Ferrara, the representative may also be a faculty member of the Unified Council of Physics Degree Programs, or even the academic tutor.

Remember to fill in the form and send it to the teching manager (ricordati di compilare il modulo e di mandarlo al manager didattico)