External internship

How to proced

Where to do it

The traineeship can be carried out in any company (even family-run) or institution, as long as the activity is consistent with one's course of study. The student can independently propose a company of his interest, or he can apply for offers from Unife.

To search for any traineeship offers, you can consult:

  • consult the list of affiliated companies, which have already hosted our other trainees;
  • the notice board prepared by the Traineeship and Placement office;
  • ad hoc offers that are sent to the Unife Mydesk email address.

An important channel for proposing oneself to companies in a proactive manner are the Seminars organized by Er.Go

How activate it

The student who has chosen the traineeship in his study plan, after contacting the company / institution and the teacher (teaching tutor), will have to activate the curricular traineeship according to the procedure specified on the website of the Traineeship and Placement office.

The procedure is fully managed online through the Almalaurea website, which provides students and companies / organizations with multiple functions, which facilitate the matching of job supply and demand. With this  procedure, the agreement and the training project are in the responsibility of the company, however it is in the interest of the student, in order to fill in the forms correctly and quickly, to provide assistance to the company by sending it all the necessary information.

When to turn it on

It is advisable to keep in mind the activation times: from the moment the project is created by the company on the platform to the actual start of the traineeship experience, at least 15 days will pass. For agreements with company and teacher it is advisable to take action in time.

What to do at the end of the traineeship

At the end of the traineeship, the student must deliver or send by email to his teaching tutor the following documentation:

  • Evaluation of the student's experience in the company (downolad it from the Almalaurea website);
  • Evaluation of the company tutor in reference to the student  (downolad it from the Almalaurea website);
  • Final student report

The teaching tutor will evaluate the experience and proceed with the verbalization of the grade attributed.

N.B. To meet the needs of students, the Department of Economics allows them to carry out the traineeshipat the time that suits them best; it is therefore possible to anticipate it with respect to the academic year. where it is planned on the plane.

However, the traineeship exam can be recorded only after the student has full out the study plan.

For more information