Recognition of the traineeship

Recognition of the traineeship

Who can apply?

If you already completed an traineeship experience by your own or you are working in a field related the one of your studies you can ask for the recognition of your activity as curricular traineeship. Activity must has been carried out outside a curricular traineeship training project promoted by the University of Ferrara and must be consistent with the chosen study path;

Pay attention:

  • the mark attributed to the traineeship during validation is equal to the average of the exams recorded in the online "libretto" up to the time of submitting the application;
  • students enrolling in the 1st year must submit the application for recognition not upon enrollment, but at least after having taken an exam, as the only criterion for assigning the grade is the average of the exams.
  • once the educational structure has approved the recognition of the exam, the Career office will update the student's career.

How to apply

Remember that the attachments that must be included in the procedure ""Richiedere il riconoscimento di esami, competenze e tirocini" are the following:

The payment of the 16 euro stamp will be uploaded in the special section of the reserved area.

Notice for Graduating

Please note that recognition requests are presented within well-defined deadlines (see below DEADLINES FOR SUBMITTING APPLICATIONS TO THE EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE). The timing of recognition must therefore be carefully evaluated, so that the date of examination of the requests by the Teaching Commission is prior to the graduation deadlines. The risk is to postpone to the next graduation session. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to submit a request for recognition at least two months in advance of the presumed graduation date.