Study plan


What is the study plan

The study plan is the path that includes all the training activities (teachings, laboratories, etc.) to obtain the degree.

Who can present a study plan

In order to successfully fill out the plan you must be regular with tuition fees.

When can you present your study plan

The study plan must be filled out in the period approved annually by the Students Regulation.

check here the dates

How to present your study plan

For the students who are in the status IN CORSO and fill out the plan for the first time, the plan is filled out from their personal area.

Who does not have to fill in the plan online

If you fall into one of the following categories:

  • Registration with course abbreviation, or following a passage or transfer at the entrance
  • Registration out of the course and willingness to change the plan 
  • Insertion of optional or free choice exams not included in the degree program study plan

consult the information available on the page COMPILARE IL PIANO DEGLI STUDI (FILL IN THE STUDY PLAN)  under the heading "Chi non deve compilare il piano on line?" (Who does not have to fill in the plan online?).

 If, on the other hand, you find yourself in the following situations:

  • Insertion of supernumerary exams (up to a maximum of 10% of the total credits required by the course of study).
  • Change of class (only for students enrolled in the three-year degree in Economics)

follow the instructions available on the page COMPILARE IL PIANO DEGLI STUDI (FILL IN THE STUDY PLAN) under the heading "Hai altri tipi di cambiamenti?" (Do you have other types of changes?)

Recommendations for Alternative Exams (Tipe B-core courses or C- integrative courses) and/or Cedits Type D (Free choice courses)

Pay attention, because you have:

  • both of the compulsory choices between two alternative exams (type B- core courses or type C-integrative courses) and in that case you must necessarily enter one of the two
  • both the choice of 14 credits of type D (free choice) and in this case the study plan gives you some suggestions but it is up to you to evaluate what you think is most appropriate for your path.

For more information on

  • how to fill out the plan
  • deadlines
  • forms

you can find everything on the Unife website in the following section

"Compilare il piano degli studi" (Fill out your study plan)